Install Liferay over a MySQL Database

With this post I will share how to get started with Liferay Portal including initial configurations and login. Environment: Linux Pre-requisites : MySQL installation (Refer this post for steps to install MySQL ) Java 1.6 or above Let's download the Liferay pack from here . I got the Community Edition of bundle with Tomcat. Extract it to a folder of your choice, let's call the extracted folder LR_HOME. Ok, the resources are ready.. Let's go.. MySQL Login to MySQL. If you just installed following command will do. mysql -uroot -p Enter the password (default root). Create database to be used for Liferay. create database lportal; Create user for Liferay. create user 'lr_user'@'localhost' identified by 'user123'; Give access to the created database for this user. grant all privileges on lportal.* to 'lr_user'@'localhost' with grant option; Mysql work is over now. Let's go to Liferay. LifeRay Go...