Challenges of Future IAM (concerned with Mergers , Acquisitions, Startups)

When the companies bring in external users to work within the enterprise activities, via mergers, acquisitions, outsourcing and allowing end users come via social login, a problem is raised due to the variety of protocols each of these external parties may use for identity management. Most of the time these external parties would not agree to share their user base with sensitive information of the users, which is a major asset of them. In this case identity federation or cross domain authentication comes into provide a solution to this problem. There are identity federation protocols that have evolved with the time mainly OpenID, SAML, WS-Federation and OpenID connect to address the requirement of federated authentication. Even though these protocols have been able to cater for it, while the acquisitions and merges grows up in numbers the solutions still suffers from two major limitations, namely[1], Federation Silos When there is federation requirement, organizations would...