WSO2 DSS - Batch Insert Sample (end to end)

WSO2 DSS wraps Data Services Layer and provides us with a simple GUI to define a Data Service with zero Java code. With this, a change to the data source is just a simple click away and no other party needs to be aware of this. With this sample demonstration, we will see how to do a batch insert to a table. Batch insert is useful when you want to insert data in sequential manner. This also means that if at least one of the insertion query fails all the other queries ran so far in the batch will be rolled back as well. If one insertion in the batch fails means whole batch is failed. This can be used if you are running the same query to insert data many times. With batch insert all the data will be sent in one call. So this reduce the number calls you have to call, to get the data inserted. This comes with one condition that, The query should not be producing results back. (We will only be notified whether the query was successful or not.) Prerequisites: ...