Configuration for Using Intellij IDEA to Develop Apache Wookie

Here I am sharing the steps I followed in configuring Intellij IDEA to develop Apache Wookie. As guidelines are only given in the site to start with Eclipse IDE , before starting coding I needed to configure Intellij IDEA to be aligned with the practices and conventions of Wookie, before starting coding for GSoC2012. For the project we have to use SVN as version control system and Intellij by default facilitate it. We need to do the following set ups in addition. Dependency management Code style and template Debugging Let’s look at how to deal with these. Dependency management with Apache Ivy Wookie use Ivy as the dependency manager. To easily compile the Wookie project inside Intellij, we need to have the plugging IvyIDEA installed. In order to do so, go to File>Settings>IDE Settings and select IvyIDEA from available pluggings as follows and install. Now once you open Wookie in Intellij, it will auto detect the ivy.xml file a...