
Showing posts from June, 2011

A sample on calling WSO2 Identity Server functionalities through the API

This sample demonstrates how to authenticate a user and to allow that user to access authorized resources(services), using the API of WSO2 Identity Server (WSO2IS). Simply this simulates few functions without the GUI of the server. Scenario:  After authentication, if user is authenticated having the role of 'admin', will have privileges to add or remove XACML policies, and evaluate them against sample requests. Following are the steps to be demonstrated. Log into server after authentication Add a policy from local machine Read the enabled policy of the server Remove a policy Evaluate the enabled policy against a request Start the Identity Server as explained in user guide . Just extracting the downloaded file, setting up JAVA_HOME environment variable and running .sh or .bat script according to your operating system. Open the downloaded project in your favorite IDE and add the plugins of the WSO2IS to the project dependencies. The plugins locati...