Few methods to install software in Ubuntu

The followings are few methods I got to know surfing several sites for hours and from friends when I had time.Hope this will help someone at the beginning stage in using Ubuntu, to save time in installing software . (1) Installing from a .tar.gz file This is a zipped file used in Ubuntu and have to right click and extract before installing.Usually include the source code written in C, C++ or Python. Then open the extracted folder to check whether a file called 'configure' is there. If not this method won't work and have to try another. This configure file is to match the source code with current status features like 32/64 bit. - Open terminal - Go to the folder where source code is located. (Using cd directory_name ) - Get into super user mode( sudo su ) - Will prompt to type password for authentication and when done correctly can proceed in super user mode - Then type ./configure (Can observe checking of the source code, and if some error occurred have t...